"Small Congregations in Small Towns Make a Big Difference"

On Main Street in Small-Town America

Small congregations in small towns can make a big difference as they join Jesus on His mission. If you think about it, in the gospels, most of Jesus’ work was not conducted in big cities but in small towns. That means if your congregation is situated in a small town-setting, Jesus has already been showing you how to make a big impact.

Before we dive into the “how,” consider the following:

Recent surveys show that 92% of U.S. congregations have 250 or fewer people attending weekly worship services. 68% have 100 or less in attendance. The chart below shows the trends in LCMS congregations between 2002 and 2022. Larger congregations are shrinking which is resulting in there being more and more smaller congregations.

What should our response be? To give up? Does Jesus write off all those congregations because they are too small to be effective? OR, could Jesus be up to something here? Could it be that small congregations in some very important ways have an advantage over bigger congregations. And, if so, how?

Let me offer you a recent example. I was talking last week with a congregation in eastern Montana. The town has a population of 630 residents and the congregation has about 30 regular attenders each month. The pastor is bi-vocational (that is, he has a day-job to supplement his part-time church salary). They said their claim to fame is that they are the town furthest away from any Starbucks in the U.S. (LOL!)

Most of the congregation’s families have lived in the town for generations. Most everyone knows most everyone else. There are six other churches in the community.

What can they do?

If they settle for operating as they have in order to maintain their status quo, they will continue to make little impact on their little town and they will eventually close. Right now they worship together on Sunday, have a Bible class, and struggle to maintain any programs. Sound familiar?

However, in the gospels, Jesus shows us how to make a big difference with a few people in a small town.

When a few people have their lives changed by God’s love, and they begin to change the way they live, they begin to effect the people around them in very positive ways. On the one hand, if church people live in the community the same way they always have, no one will notice. But if church people start to live an intentional life of love in the community - noticing people, caring, asking questions, listening, responding, helping - the community will notice and be effected.

The good news is that our lives have already been changed by God’s love through Jesus. All that’s left for us to do is to now live an intentional life of love for the good of our neighbors (see Ephesians 5:2). In other words, we already freely receive from Jesus in worship and His Word. Now we get to go into our week and into our little community looking for people who need a little of what we have already received in abundance.

This isn’t about simply feeling love for our neighbors. This is about loving our neighbors in such a way that our neighbors know they are being loved by us. It is love in action. It is love on purpose. It is love that helps.

This makes a big difference in small towns.

Imagine 30 people heading out of church each week with a simple purpose (mission): they look for people who need a little of what they already have in abundance. Imagine 30 people living generous lives of love in a town of 630. It wouldn’t take years to see the effect. It would be weeks.

When 30 people who have love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness head out and live on purpose, the town of 630 will soon be experiencing that love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness in real life. And with that reality in play, the congregation of 30 will soon be growing. Not because of new programs, not because they spiffed up their worship services, but because the town will finally be experiencing what small towns in the gospels were experiencing 2000 years ago:

Changed people living changed lives on purpose for the good of their neighbors.

It’s not a crazy pipedream. It could start happing in your small congregation in your small town this Sunday and next week.

If you’d like to talk with Greg Finke more about how you can start such an adventure in your community, please contact him at finkeonthemove@aol.com.

"Asking New Questions Leads to New Insights”

Ask yourself, “If a congregation of God’s people has been in a community for 10, 50, 100 years, freely receiving God’s abundant love and then going out into their community to freely offer that love to neighbors, co-workers, fellow-students, and strangers, what could you expect the effect to be on that community?”

If for 10, 50, 100 years, the community has been on the receiving end of such consistent, abundant, personal love - in the form of hospitality, service, advocacy, encouragement, good news, laughter, joy, and peace - what do you think the result would be?

Would you not be able to expect that a community would be completely transformed because a congregation had been actively loving it for 10. 50, 100 years?

So, why don’t we see it happening?

Take your congregation, as an example, how long has it been in existence in your community? How many years… or decades? After that amount of time, what has been the effect on your community? Has it been transformed by your congregation’? Or has it not even noticed you’re there?

In Matthew 10:8, Jesus says, “Freely you have received, freely give.” In John 13:34, He says, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” In Ephesians 5:2, Paul says, “Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us.”

What if we did? Personally. On purpose. Consistently. Each day. Freely receiving Jesus’ abundant love, and then freely offering it to the people around us.

For 10, 50, 100 years, if we had followed Jesus’ simple practice and instruction, it would have been transformative for our community.

So, why ARE’NT we seeing such transformation?


We haven’t been doing what Jesus gifted us and told us to do.

We have been freely receiving His abundant love for decades, but we haven’t been going back home, back to work, back to school and looking for those who need a little of what we have in abundance.

And, frankly, your community is suffering because of it.

We shake our heads in disgust as we judge our community and complain about the people, even though Christians are the main reason our community remains on a downward spiral - namely, we Christians aren’t doing the one thing Jesus gifted us and told us to do… we’re not freely and personally offering the main antidote for what is eroding the people of our community… God’s redemptive love.

But what if we did? What if we started?

What if, starting this Sunday, we became clearer about what our congregation’s true purpose is in our community?

What if, starting ASAP, we began offering simple training for how to join Jesus in freely, personally giving out God’s love to those around us?

What if we did?

We wouldn’t have to wait 10, 50, 100 years to see the effect.

Because God’s love works… when we use it.

P.S. I can help you and your congregation gain clarity and offer training for how to join Jesus on His mission in your community. It’s simple, it’s biblical, and it works. Contact me via email: finkeonthemove@gmail.com. Note: A sermon series and Bible class on “Joining Jesus” is an important start, but is not training. Training means having a process to gain experience, skill, and confidence for joining Jesus in real life. Let me help. Training > Books

P.P.S. If you think your congregation is not yet ready for this step, I offer “First-Step Retreats” here in St. Paul to help pastors craft a simple strategy for leading their congregations forward. Contact me and we can see if this is a good fit for you.

"Earl, the Everyday Missionary"

Recently, I took an Uber to the airport.

I don’t know what kind of experiences you’ve had with Uber drivers, but mine usually fall into one of two categories: 

  1. The Uber driver who is silent.

  2. The Uber driver who is chatty.

With the silent types, it goes without saying, the rides are pretty quiet. There is a polite exchange or two, and then we drive.

With the chatty types, the conversation could go anywhere. However, usually, the driver gets around to asking about why I am traveling. 

When they do, I usually answer with something like, “I run a nonprofit that provides training for churches who want their people to become more intentional about loving their neighbors in day-to-day life. You know how Jesus says, ‘Love your neighbor?’ What if He meant that?”

That usually gets a chuckle and a nod of the head.

However, during this Uber ride, my driver had a little surprise for me.

His name was Earl. And as I finished up my usual spiel, he said, “Yeah, I like that. That’s basically what I try to do as I drive people around. I never know who God will bring into my car.” He told me that he was a follower of Jesus too and that he basically treats every Uber rider as an opportunity to join Jesus on His mission.

Turns out, Earl the Uber driver was also Earl the everyday missionary. And he was an experienced practitioner too. So, I mined his experience, “Tell me about how a typical ride for you might go.”

 He replied, “First, I pray, offering myself for whatever God might want to do. After all, this isn’t my gig; it’s His.

“Then I follow the lead of the rider. I talk when they want to talk and I fall silent when they fall silent.

“If they tell me their struggles, I listen and ask questions to better understand. Then I tell them that God loves them and that they are of great worth to Him. I give them words of encouragement because most people need encouragement.

“If their struggles are because of self-destructive attitudes or behaviors, I tell them they don’t have to settle for that stuff anymore. I tell them that God is ready to help them if they ask Him.”

Then Earl told me the story of a woman who had been one of his recent riders. She was already distraught when she got in the car. So, Earl silently prayed and followed his usual course of conversation. He listened. He asked some questions. And then he told her the good news that despite her struggles, God knew her, valued her greatly, and wanted to be a part of her life. Earl said to her, “God sent His Son Jesus to forgive you and get you back for Himself. That sounds like a pretty cool second chance to me.”

As they approached her destination, she said that she had changed her mind and asked if Earl could take her somewhere else.”

He answered, “Sure, but why?”

“Because when I requested the Uber, I was planning to go kill myself. I don’t want to do that anymore. You’ve given me hope. I needed to hear what you had to say.”

Earl said he was so glad; he would have driven her anywhere!

* * * * * * * * * *

I am often asked, “I get the importance of loving my neighbor, but then what do I say to them?”

Earl’s tutorial is helpful and effective:

  • Pray and be available.

  • Follow the lead of the person.

  • If the person is struggling, listen and ask questions to better understand.

  • Tell them the good news that God knows them and loves them, and wants to be a part of their life… in fact, that’s why God sent His Son Jesus: to die and rise for the forgiveness of their sins and to restore them to a love relationship with Himself. God is for them not against them.

  • If their struggles are because of self-destructive attitudes or behaviors, tell them they don’t have to settle for that stuff anymore. Tell them that God is ready to help them if they ask Him.

Like Earl said, people need encouragement. They need a little news that’s good. You don’t have to guess what they need, just listen. If they’re not ready, they’re not ready. But when they are… they are.

Enjoy your adventures with Jesus!

"Easter Was Fantastic! Now What?"

Easter worship was amazing! All those people! All that celebrating! “Jesus is risen! He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!”

Now what? 

Good question.

As Susan and I were filing out of a packed sanctuary last Sunday, I wondered, “What will all these people do now?” I overheard one usher telling another that there had been 1100 people in the service. What would 1100 people full of the life and love of Jesus be able to accomplish this week in their neighborhoods if they were also full of the purpose and mission of Jesus?

And what about all the people in your Easter services? Now what? Maybe there weren’t 1100. Maybe there were 110. Maybe there were 11. Same question. Same opportunity.

Now what?

Now that we have observed and celebrated Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection… again… now that we have heard the good news of our redemption and restoration… again…, what are we going to do? Sit on the bench and run out the clock until we die and go to heaven?

No. Now that Jesus has freed us from sin and death and has restored us to His love and life, we get to follow Him and join Him on His mission.

You see, Jesus is on a mission. He was sent by His Father on a grand adventure to redeem and restore all things to His Father’s Kingdom. And He invites us to join Him.

“Come, follow Me.”

However, for many Christians, therein lies the mystery: What does it look like to “follow Jesus” in everyday life and join Him on His mission?

Does it look like following the rules? Does it look like following religious rituals? Does it look like convincing people of Jesus? Selling people on Jesus? Saving people for Jesus?


The Bible says “following Jesus” looks like “loving people.”

For instance, in John 13:34 Jesus says, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Ephesians 5:2, says “…live a life of love, following the example of Christ.” In fact, “loving people” is how Jesus says everyone will recognize that we have been trained by Him, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another,” John 13:35.

So, if you want to follow Jesus and join Him on His mission, it really is this simple: look for people who need a little of the abundant love you have from the Father and offer it to them. Or, as the Bible puts it, “Love your neighbor.”

Because we are baptized into Jesus (Romans 6:3), we have Jesus living in us and through us. That means to the people where we live, work, or hang out, you and I are literally the body of Christ. We are Jesus with skin on. We are the way people experience His love in the material world where they live. The love comes from Jesus, but it is experienced through us – from Him, to us, through us, to the people around us who need Him and His love so badly (1 John 4:19).

That means you get to have fun being the neighbor, co-worker, or fellow-student people enjoy having in their life. You get to be the one who smiles and waves, notices and helps, listens and understands. You get to be the one who is quick to listen, slow to become angry, and the first to apologize. You get to be the one who practices hospitality, generosity, and humility. You get to be the reason someone receives some joy, experiences some kindness, or has an advocate.

Dear friends, living a life of love is the best way to live. It is a full, rich, abundant way to live. It is how we join Jesus on His mission. And it works.

I am often asked, “I know the Bible says to love my neighbor, but when do I tell my neighbor about Jesus?” That’s easy. When they ask. At least, that’s Peter’s advice. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you” (1 Peter 3:15).

Let me tell you a story.

About a year ago, a couple who attended one of our “Joining Jesus” trainings, decided they were going to be more intentional about meeting and getting to know their neighbors so that they could do a better job of loving their neighbors.

They began smiling and waving more. They noticed and helped more. They stopped and listened more. They teamed up with other neighbors and started having more cookouts, more game nights, and more birthday parties. And with all this, came something else. Conversations. The small talk among strangers turned into conversations among friends.

And then one evening it happened. As everyone was enjoying a fire in the backyard, one of the neighbors said to the couple, “We really enjoy hanging out with you and your family. There is just something about you… we always feel good after being with you. You’re Christians, aren’t you?”

Just like that, they were having a conversation about Jesus.

Neither the husband nor wife were theological experts, but they could tell the neighbors why they trusted and followed Jesus. To the neighbors, what the couple shared rang true because of how they had seen them live. The couple wasn’t perfect like Jesus, but they had offered love like Jesus. And the experience of that love made all the difference.

Last May, the children of those neighbors were baptized. Last fall, the whole family joined the church. It’s a cool story. But don’t forget. It all started with a couple becoming more intentional about getting to know their neighbors so they could do a better job of loving their neighbors.

The couple wrapped up their story by making an important observation, “We think our neighbors wanted to ask us about Jesus that night because we first took the time to show them Jesus in how we lived.”

Yep. The Bible says that’s how it works. Show them Jesus’ love so they can experience Jesus’ love. And then, when they ask, be ready to tell them why you trust and follow Jesus. When people experience Jesus’ love through you, it opens up their intake-valve to be more curious about Jesus’ truth as well. They want to hear more because of what they have seen and experienced with you.

From Jesus, to you, through you, to the neighbors around you who need His love so badly.

Joining Jesus on His mission: It’s simpler than you think and a lot more fun! 


Would you and your congregation like to begin joining Jesus on His mission this spring and summer? It’s the time of year when neighboring is most natural. In the months ahead, your congregation could start having their own stories like the family above. And Dwelling 1:14 can help.

We offer online, 90-minute “Neighboring Workshops.” Greg Finke leads the workshop live and walks participants through a simple process that results in everyone having a self-identified plan for joining Jesus in their neighborhood or wherever they travel this summer.

The workshops are offered on a weeknight of your choosing sometime before mid-June. After the workshop, Greg will also schedule three follow-up Zooms to continue coaching participants as they implement their plans throughout the summer.

Interested? Contact Greg at finkeonthemove@gmail.com or call 281-844-7644.


From Poetry to Strategy: Part 3 – “How to Craft a Strategy for Your Congregation”

So far, we have answered the following questions about strategy:

  1. What is a strategy?

  2. Why do we need one?

  3. What makes for a good one?

(Go to Parts 1 and 2 below to review.)

Now it’s time to ask, “How do we craft a strategy for our congregation?”

Good question! Let’s check it out.

Not long ago, I was invited to work with a congregation who needed to craft a strategy statement. They had their poetry: A pithy, memorable mission statement. It was biblical, inspiring, and pointed to the transformative difference they could make in the community with Jesus and his love. What they needed now was a strategy so the people of the congregation would know how to participate in what the poetry inspired and promised.

In other words, “How will our congregation intentionally and consistently make, mentor, and send out disciples who know how to join Jesus on his mission?”

In advance, I asked the pastor to gather leaders of the congregation who were living a life of mission. To get started, I met with these leaders and talked about what a strategy is and what makes for a good one. I then divided them into working groups and asked them to write down their congregation’s mission statement. This they did with ease. They knew their poetry well and were clearly inspired by it.

Next, I pointed out that the congregation obviously had components of an effective strategy scattered throughout its ministry options since the leaders had somehow become excited participants in the mission themselves. The question was, “What are the components that caused this transformation?”

Or to put the question another way, why were some members transformed into excited mission-participants and others not. What were some members participating in and others not?

In order to tease out these answers, I asked the leaders to write down all the congregational activities, classes, and programs which had inspired and prepared them to live a life of mission. The groups got to work. When they were done, I asked them to identify and write down why they had experienced transformation by participating in these activities?

When they had completed this part of the exercise, I invited them to review everything they had written down and circle common words or phrases that emerged. What pattern, pathway, or progression did the words reveal for how the congregation was making, mentoring, and sending out disciples to join Jesus on his mission?

Once they had clarified which components were the cause of the transformation, they had essentially discerned their strategy. All that was left was to brainstorm pithy ways to communicate it.

In time, because of their newfound clarity, it would be much simpler to evaluate which ministry activities served the congregational strategy best, which ones needed to be reformed so they could serve the strategy better, and which ones needed to eventually be phased out because they actually distracted or diverted people from the strategy.

Likewise, when they were ready to create new activities and programs, their strategic clarity would enable them to intentionally include the components necessary to consistently make, mentor, and send disciples to join Jesus on his mission as a daily lifestyle.

Are you and your leaders ready to start crafting the congregation’s strategy statement?

  1. Invite leaders who themselves are participating regularly in accomplishing the congregation’s mission to help craft the strategy.

  2. Have them write down the congregation’s mission statement and pose the following question: “How will our congregation intentionally and consistently make, mentor, and send out disciples who know how to accomplish this mission?”

  3. Explain what a strategy is, why one is needed, and what makes for a good one.

  4. Have them list all the activities, classes, and programs the congregation currently offers which inspired and prepared them to live a life of mission.

  5. Next, ask them to identify why participation in these ministries resulted in their transformation.

  6. Now review everything written down and circle common words or phrases that emerge.

  7. What pattern, pathway, or progression do the words or phrases reveal for how disciples are being made, mentored, and sent out to join Jesus on his mission? This is the essence of your strategy.

  8. Brainstorm pithy words or phrases to communicate the strategy.

If your congregation needs help with this process, Rev. Greg Finke and Dwelling 1:14 are ready and available. Contact us at finkeonthemove@gmail.com.

From Poetry to Strategy: Part 2 - "What Makes for a Good Strategy?"

In the last post, we called a congregation’s mission/vision statement its “poetry.” Congregational leaders often spend a lot of time, effort, and dollars to craft it. And this poetry is absolutely necessary because, if it is crafted well, it articulates in a pithy, memorable way who the congregation is and where the congregation is going.

However, poetry is not strategy.

While the congregation certainly needs the clarity and inspiration of the poetry, they also need a simple strategy to know how they are going to personally participate in what the poetry describes and promises.

For example, if a congregation’s mission is to live a life of love as they join Jesus on his mission, what is its simple strategy for how they will disciple their people to participate in such a lifestyle? In other words, what is the plan, process, or series of steps needed in order to train, mentor, or prepare people to join Jesus every day?

The problem is, most congregational leaders don’t have a clear, simple answer for that. They crafted the poetry but never constructed the strategy.

Instead, when asked about strategy, leaders often point to a long list of congregational programs, activities, and options and – as if they were hosts at a buffet – invite people to choose what seems good to them. Unfortunately, these leaders are falling for an age-old leadership fallacy: They are mistaking activity for accomplishment. Because they don’t have a simple strategy for preparing their people for a lifestyle of mission, they instead offer a long list of options hoping a few missional disciples somehow pop out on the other side.

And, of course, it doesn’t happen. At least, not very often and certainly not very regularly. The mission remains nothing more than a poetic dream. And, worse, the neighbors in the community who need someone to love them with the love of God, continue to struggle without it.

So, what is your congregation’s strategy for discipling your people to participate in the mission as a daily lifestyle?

Let’s tackle the strategy-challenge by addressing two basic questions:

  1. What makes for a good strategy?

  2. How do you create one for your congregation? (Which we will tackle next time in Part 3.)

What makes for a good strategy?

As congregational leaders, you will want your strategy to be able to answer “yes” to the following five questions:

  1. Is it biblical?

  2. Is it relational?

  3. Is it intentional?

  4. Is it clear and simple?

  5. Does it work?

Let’s briefly look at what each question is getting at.

Is it biblical?

Within the context of a Christian congregation, our strategy should reflect the strategy Jesus has already given us for accomplishing his mission. We don’t have to make up a new strategy. We only need to follow the strategy he has already laid out for us in the Bible.

And why should our strategy reflect his strategy? There are a number of reasons why, but perhaps the best one is this: because Jesus’ strategy actually works. The more our strategy strays from his strategy, the less effective our strategy becomes. All that congregational effort, all that money, all those volunteer hours, all that leadership horsepower is watered down as we stray from the simple, effective strategy Jesus already gave us in the Bible.

The bottom line is this: If the mission of Jesus is to transform human lives, we better follow Jesus’ strategy. Jesus’ strategy results in human transformation. Our strategies do not. They might be positive, but they are not transformative.

So, what precisely is Jesus’ mission? And what is his strategy for accomplishing his mission?

Often people think Jesus’ mission is to “make disciples of all nations,” (Matthew 28:19). But, strictly speaking, making disciples is not his mission; it is his strategy for accomplishing his mission. His mission is to redeem and restore all people to his Father’s love.

Jesus’ strategy for accomplishing that mission is to make, mentor, and send out disciples who know how to join him on his mission. What does it mean to make, mentor, and send out disciples?

1) Jesus makes disciples: He redeems and restores our true identity as beloved children of the Father through the forgiveness of our sins.

1 John 4:19, “We love because he first loved us.” Everything else is fueled by this good news of his abundant love and forgiveness for us. We are invited to believe it, receive it, live in its abundance as a daily lifestyle, and share it with whoever else needs it.

2) Jesus mentors disciples: He then invites us to be in relationship with a smaller circle of fellow Jesus-followers for two reasons: a) so we are mentored by one another in how to actually experience and live in his abundant love as a daily lifestyle; b) so we are mentored by one another in how to share that transformative love with neighbors who also need it so badly.

John 13:34-35, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” Hebrews 13:7, “Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” By cultivating friendship and community within a smaller circle of fellow Jesus-followers, we help each other remember our true identity, experience God’s abundant love through one another, and rely on each other for the support, example, and accountability we need to go out and offer God’s love to others. In this way, we are regularly filled up with God’s love in order to go out and offer God’s love to our neighbors.

3) Jesus sends disciples: Every day, we join Jesus looking for neighbors in the community who need a little of the love we already have in abundance, and offer it to them.

Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received, freely give.” This is how we join Jesus as he accomplishes his mission day-by-day, person-by-person.

And that’s the goal for congregational leaders too. You want to articulate a strategy for your congregation which reflects Jesus’ strategy so you see his mission being accomplished in your community through your people on a regular basis. Woohoo!

[Note: for a simple but thorough dive into how Jesus made, mentored, and sent disciples, you can read my book, “Joining Jesus – Show Me How: How to Disciple Everyday Missionaries,” which is available on Amazon.com.]

Is it relational?

One of the most common mistakes congregational leaders can make is undervaluing and not prioritizing the importance of relationship for their people. However, as we saw above, the strategy of Jesus for accomplishing his mission has relationship at the very core of the process. Jesus loves us and then we love Jesus back, love one another, and love our neighbors.

As you craft your strategy, reprioritize the importance of relationship for your people.

Is it intentional?

If the strategy is intentional, it sets up your people to deliberately take action for the good of others. The language is action-oriented and leads your people to be intentional about making a difference in the lives of others. It puts your people into position to intentionally look for neighbors who need a little of the abundant love they already have and to offer it to them.

You see, intentional action impacts others. It affects others. It makes a difference in the lives of others.

That’s why the best strategy will use biblical, relational, intentional language.

Is it clear and simple?

Some of the hardest work leaders must do is to distill all the goals, activities, and possibilities of a congregation into a pithy strategy that people can understand, remember, and engage.

I have a friend who often consults with Lutheran churches (my tribe). He once told me that in his experience Lutherans are “the master of the semicolon.” I laughed when I heard that because it is so true! If you want a thorough theological dissertation with a lot of semicolons, come to us. However, if you want a concise, pithy summary, we tend to struggle with that. (Can you relate?)

So, why is it important for congregational leaders to do the hard work of crafting a strategy statement that is clear and simple? It is so that people can understand it and remember it. If they don’t understand it and can’t remember it, they won’t be able to engage it as a daily lifestyle. A vague, complicated strategy will leave even your most willing people confused and unsure of what to do next. However, if it is clear and simple, everyone who is willing will be able to understand it, remember it, and engage it. And the result? You will see Jesus’ mission being accomplished on a regular basis through all of them! Woohoo!

(More on how to accomplish this in Part 3.)

Does it work?

In the end, the only value a strategy has is if it actually works. Does the plan or process successfully make, mentor, and send out experienced Jesus-followers to join Jesus in accomplishing his mission?

If that’s not happening, either the congregational leaders need to evaluate and refine the strategy or the leaders are not effectively engaging the congregation in the strategy. (Both are common.)

However, if the strategy is working, leaders will see the lives of neighbors in the community being transformed because their people are going out full of the Father’s abundant love and mentored in how to look for neighbors who need it too.

And that, my friends, is what makes for a good strategy. It’s what your poetry is looking for.

Next time, in the third and final post, we will look at how to create a strategy for your congregation.

Discussion questions to process with congregational leaders:

  1. What was something in the article that caused a light bulb to pop on for you?

  2. What is the mission of Jesus in the gospels? Is our current “poetry” more of a mission or strategy statement? Why?

  3. Are we seeing Jesus’ mission being accomplished by our people in the community? Why or why not?

  4. Do we have a strategy? If so, discuss how it is biblical, relational, intentional, clear and simple. Does our strategy seem to be working? Why or why not?

  5. If we do not yet have a strategy for our congregation, why is that? What would we like to do about it? To prime the pump for next time, start brainstorming words and phrases that are biblical, relational, and intentional (action oriented).

From Poetry to Strategy, Part 1 - “What Every Congregation Needs from Its Leaders”

[Below is Part 1 of a three-part series.]

Poetry is not strategy.

Congregations and their leaders spend many hours (and dollars) crafting mission and vision statements so they can articulate in clear, pithy, memorable ways who they are and where they want to go.

I call these kinds of statements “the poetry of the congregation” because – if crafted well – they sound good and make people feel good while also communicating critical clarity about the identity and purpose of the congregation.

Here are some examples of the poetry congregations are using:

  1. Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known

  2. Gather, Grow, Go

  3. Love God, Love People, Make Disciples

  4. Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out

  5. Share the Love of Christ with Our Neighbors and the Nations

I know of several congregations who have spent a year (or more) in meetings and tens of thousands of dollars on consultants to craft their poetry. Was it a waste of resources? Not at all. In fact, it was absolutely necessary. People and their leaders need the clarity. They need to be able to communicate in memorable, pithy ways who they are and where they are going.

However, as necessary as the poetry is, it is not sufficient for moving the congregation forward into the envisioned future. Why? Because while “the poetry” is important, it isn’t a strategy.

Strategy is the plan of action. Beyond knowing who they are and where they are going, people need to know HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET THERE? What’s the pathway? What’s the process? What are the day-by-day practices and action-steps people can take so that they are able to actually live in the reality of what the poetry describes and promises?

In other words, “What do we need to DO?”

For example, one congregation’s poetry might read: “We are a congregation of disciples who make disciples who make disciples.” Great! This statement is clear, biblical, and inspiring. But, what do I need to do to participate in that? Now that I am inspired to be a disciple who makes disciples, what do I do and who will help me start to do it?

The problem is, most congregational leaders don’t have an answer for that. They crafted the poetry but never constructed the strategy. They have inspiring poetry to use on their website and in their publications, but no clear process for helping their people step into the reality of what the poetry inspires.

There is an exercise I do with leaders to help them recognize this blind spot. I give them a large piece of paper and ask them to write down the congregation’s mission and vision statements (their poetry). I then say, “If a person walked up to you after worship one Sunday and said, ‘I want to live out this congregation’s mission. What do I do now?’ What would you tell them?” I then ask them to draw a flow chart illustrating their strategy for helping the person to start living out the reality their poetry inspires.

You know what happens most of the time? They realize they don’t have a strategy to illustrate. They have a strategy for becoming members of the congregation. They have a strategy for assimilation into the programs of the congregation. They even have a strategy for getting offering envelopes into the homes of the congregation. But they don’t have a strategy for helping people to live out what their poetry says is the most important outcome of the congregation.

In fact, during this exercise leaders often chuckle and say, “Well, no one ever asks that question.” And I say to them, “Why is that? Could it be because no one actually expects anyone to do anything with your poetry… except be inspired by it?”

Your people need the poetry. But to live in the reality of what the poetry describes and promises they also need the strategy.

What’s yours?

In the next couple posts, we will look at what is needed to construct a practical strategy that works.

Discussion questions to process with congregational leaders:

  1. In the gospels, what is the main thing Jesus tells His followers to do? Are we doing it?

  2. What is our congregation’s mission and/or vision statements? (In other words, what is the poetry we use?)

  3. Do we have a simple strategy to follow so that people are able to actually live in the reality of what our poetry describes and promises? What is it?

  4. If a person walked up to one of us after worship and asked, “I want to live out this congregation’s mission. What do I do now?” What would we tell them?

  5. Can we draw a flow chart illustrating the strategy such a person can follow to start living out the reality our poetry inspires?

2022: Reasons Dwelling 1:14 is giving thanks

As Dwelling 1:14 winds up another year of mission and adventure, I wanted to share with you some numbers:

  • 1535 - that's the number of people who received missional training this year through our training process. Join us in thanking God for 1535 new everyday missionaries!

  • 25 - that's the number of new communities into which we sent trained missionaries. Join us in thanking God that 25 new communities have trained Jesus-followers in them who are intentionally joining Him on His mission!

  • 15 - that's the number of states we traveled to in 2022: Colorado, California, New York, Massachusetts, Texas, Idaho, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

  • Hundreds more people were introduced to a missional lifestyle this year by attending one of our 10 conference presentations.

  • Thousands more people were inspired and instructed through reading our “Joining Jesus” books.

We were also thankful to be able to publish the new book, "Joining Jesus as a Family." So far, about 1000 copies have gone out to families who want to intentionally raise their children to be followers of Jesus! (Get your copies HERE.}

And let's not forget how - back in January - God timed it for us to be able to train 20+ Ukrainians over Zoom just before Russia invaded their country a month later. Or that He had a translator translate "Joining Jesus" into their tongue. (So far, reports remain positive about our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Not one of them have lost their lives, Some have lost their homes but were able to relocate. And each of them are actively joining Jesus day-by-day.)

Yes! Join us in giving thanks for all the Lord has done!

Giving Tuesday and a Matching Gift

Giving Tuesday is coming up. It is a day when ministries like Dwelling 1:14 invite donations to help us do what we do. I am excited to announce that one of Dwelling 1:14's donors has agreed to match up to $2500 in gifts!

Will you help us match it? That means a gift of $25 becomes $50. $100 becomes $200, etc.

Thank you to those of you who have already given!

If you would like to help us too, you can donate using your credit card by clicking HERE. To give via check, mail your donation to 489 Grand Hill, St. Paul, MN 55102. Please make the check out to Dwelling 1:14.

Thank you so much!! If you have any questions, just respond via this email: finkeonthemove@gmail.com.

I would love to connect!

"How to Neighbor on Halloween"

The evening when families are going door-to-door to “Trick or Treat” would seem like a logical time to up your “neighboring” game.

The “trick” is how?

Unfortunately, if your goal is to get to know the kids in your neighborhood better, Halloween might not be the best time. On Halloween, the kids have just one goal: get your candy and head to the next house to get theirs. (I know because that was my clear goal when I was a kid.) You might want to take a moment to chat and get to know them better, but they’re itching to be on their way!

However, what if you re-aim your goal from the children and families streaming by to the neighbors who live on either side of you? While you certainly want to provide a friendly presence to those stopping in for 60 seconds as they “Trick or Treat,” the real opportunity is with your immediate neighbors.

Here’s what I mean.

In the next day or two, go to your neighbors on your left and right and make this suggestions: What if we sit together in the driveway handing out our treats? We could do it separately from our own doorways, or we could hangout together for a couple hours and have fun with the “Trick or Treaters.” What do you think?

You could provide hot cider (or something stronger), snacks, and even have a fire in a fire pit. And, of course, plenty of the best candy for the “Trick or Treaters.” (Take if from a former kid, don’t be the house with the rep for giving out cheap candy.)

This simple strategy gives you unhurried time with your two closest neighbors and plenty of entertainment!

Share some snacks, share some laughs, and build some friendships. It’s simple and it works!

"What Does It Mean to 'Disciple' My Child?"

“What Does It Mean to ‘Disciple’ My Child?”

This summer, my wife (Susan) and I were honored to published a new book in the “Joining Jesus” series. The title is “Joining Jesus as a Family: How to Raise Your Children to be Followers of Jesus.”

Below is a excerpt from chapter two of the book. It answers the question that most terrifies parents, grandparents, and anyone mentoring a child: How do I disciple a child to be a follower of Jesus?

The answer is simpler than you think and a lot more fun. Take a look below.

“What Does It Mean to ‘Disciple’ My Child?”

“Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.”

-Paul, a follower of Jesus, writing in 1 Corinthians 11:1 

“What I really lack is to be clear in my mind about what I am to do, not what I am to know.”

–Soren Kierkegaard, renowned theologian, when he was 17

So, what does it mean to “disciple” your own child?

It’s actually a surprisingly simple answer. Because of the way God wired the child/parent relationship, you’re already doing it.

If you’re “raising” your child or “parenting” your child, you’re already “discipling” your child.

Raising my child = Discipling my child

The question is what are you raising/discipling your child to be and do?

Because the words “disciple” or “discipleship” are not ones we often use outside of religious circles, the definitions have become fuzzy for most people. However, these words have synonyms in our modern conversations that are familiar.

For instance, “apprentice,” “trainee,” and “intern” are all synonyms for the word “disciple.” So, when we read in the gospels about “the disciples of Jesus,” we are reading about “the trainees of Jesus” or “the apprentices of Jesus.” Disciples are people who are being mentored by Jesus to become like him and live like him for the good of others.

Jesus explains it this way, “A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher,” (Luke 6:40).

Disciple of Jesus = Trainee of Jesus

The word “discipleship” is often associated with “Christian Education.” In other words, discipleship = scholarship. However, in the gospels, “discipleship” is more than sitting in a classroom, mastering doctrine, and passing a test.  Rather, discipleship is Jesus’ training process where people literally follow him around to gain experience, skill, and confidence in living like him for the good of others.

Discipleship = Jesus’ training process

To put this into more familiar parenting language, we could say that Jesus’ training process for his followers was a kind of parenting process. To highlight the parallel, we could think of Jesus as “raising his kids [his disciples] to live like him.” (Jesus certainly wasn’t their biological father, but in John 13:33 he does call his disciples “my children.”)

Discipleship = Jesus’ training process = A parenting process

If we then go to the New Testament understanding that discipleship is a parallel to parenting, we start to see a lot of applications for the parenting/discipling of our children.

Read the following passages and imagine the disciples are not grown adults but impressionable children:

  1. Mark 1:17 (NLT), “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people.”

  2. John 13:15, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

  3. John 13:34, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

  4. Philippians 4:9, “Whatever you have learned from me or seen in me – put it into practice.”

  5. 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

As you can see, discipling/raising your child is not just about telling your child what you believe but showing your child what you believe by how you live. Our words and what we say we believe are important, but what matters most to our child’s spiritual formation is how we live out (or don’t live out) what we say we believe.

As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.”

And because of that, Jesus says, “Come, follow me.” In other words, “Come with me. Let me show you what my words mean by how I live them out.”

How I live my life = How I disciple my child

“Follow me.”

“Observe how I live.”

“Learn from how I do it.”

“Be like me.”

“Follow my example.”

“Imitate me.”

“Consider the outcome of my way of life.”

See the pattern?

That’s what “discipling” your child looks like. God wired your child to observe you, follow you, and want to be like you, for better or worse. That doesn’t mean your child will become a carbon copy of you but a unique version of you. God has given your child his or her own unique talents, challenges, interests, and opportunities (see Psalm 139:13-14 and Jeremiah 29:11). Having said that, how you live out your life and faith is still the pattern and object lesson your child is observing and absorbing as they form their own way of life.

So, why not live the better life? Live the joyful, purposeful, fulfilling life of a Jesus-follower. Why? Because your child is following you.

A few years ago, Mark Baacke, my high school biology teacher, posted the following tribute to his late father on Facebook. I asked him if I could include it for you because he captures the essence of what we are talking about here.

“20 years ago today my dad went home to heaven. He taught me how to play golf, ping pong, baseball and how to make a game out of any situation I faced. He taught me always to do my best even at things I didn't like too much (History, English, washing the car, etc.). When something seemed impossible and I felt like quitting, he would say, ‘That's no hill for a climber.’ Or when a situation totally sucked or was unfair, he'd tell me, ‘Sometimes it goes like that for days, and then it gets worse.’ I don't recall him ever telling me to be a teacher, but he was such a good teacher himself that I grew up wanting to do what he did. He was serious about the important things in life, but he would be the first one to laugh when life threw him a curve ball. He had the ability to see right through fake people. I think the little kid in the story about the emperor's new clothes probably grew up to be my dad. He loved his country and made it better by being a good man himself.

Most importantly, he loved his Lord and Savior, and the more I think about my dad, the more I realize how many times and in how many ways he was letting me see that love in the way he treated people and the way he went through life. Over these past 20 years there are lots of memories and images of my dad that have stayed with me, but one keeps coming up more than most. I'm an eight-year-old kid, and dad is taking me fishing. There are tall weeds between where we parked the car and the pond where we're going to fish. Dad goes ahead of me and I try to follow, but soon he's lost from sight, and I'm surrounded by weeds that are twice as tall as I am. We've done this before, and he's taught me not to panic but just to follow the trail of bent and broken weeds. So that's what I do until I reach the pond and find him smiling back at me because he knows where I'll pop out of the weeds. And so it's been 20 years now that I've been walking through the weeds of life without him, but I've got his trail to follow because he intentionally did things to help me see it, and I firmly believe he was following a trail that Jesus left for him. So, one day I'll pop out of the weeds and Jesus will be waiting for me with Dad right there with Him.”

Yep. That’s what we’re talking about. We live and lead so our children can follow and imitate. That’s what it means to “disciple” our children.

Here’s the Point

So, what does it mean to “disciple” your own child? Because of the way God wired the child/parent relationship, you’re already doing it. If you are “raising” your child, you are already “discipling” your child. As Jesus shows us in the gospels, discipling/raising your child is not just about telling your child what you believe but showing your child what you believe by how you live. Our words and what we say we believe are important, but what matters most to our child’s spiritual formation is how we live out (or don’t live out) what we say we believe.

Part 4: "Why Missional Living Fizzles" (and how to reverse it)

This week we are looking at the fourth reason so many congregations make a good start with missional living, only to see it soon fizzle.

What are the other three reasons? (And what are the simple remedies?)

1) We think studying what Jesus says is the same as doing what Jesus says. (Read the full blog here.)

2) We never seem to get around to building an actual friendship with someone who is living without Jesus’ grace and truth. (Read the full blog here.)

3) People are recruited away from the mission of God by their own congregational programming. (Read the full blog here.)

And here’s #4:

We think discipleship is rooted in scholarship. It is not. It is rooted in relationship and lifestyle.

When discipleship is rooted in scholarship, we reproduce nothing but scholars and do it very slowly. Likewise, the unintentional but clear message to the congregation is that discipleship is really just for the smart kids. Unfortunately, when discipleship is simply scholarship, we end up with people who know the right answers, but don’t know what to do. They remain untrained and inexperienced in practicing the ways of Jesus for the good of others.

However, discipleship is not just learning the facts and figures of the faith. It is having a relationship with someone who can show us how to live out the facts and figures of the faith for the good of others. When discipleship is rooted in relationship and lifestyle, we see the rapid multiplication of discipleship among people (John 13:35, Philippians 3:17, Hebrews 13:7, Matthew 28:19).

Because preachers and program leaders think discipleship is scholarship, they over-value teaching new content and under-value facilitating discipling relationships and lifestyles.

Remedy: Re-prioritize discipling relationships.

At home: the parent/child relationship is the strongest discipling relationship there is. Children are designed to imitate their parents and, for better or worse, are already being deeply discipled by them. Therefore, the most effective family ministry begins by helping parents understand the deep influence their lifestyle is already having on their children and give them tools to become more intentional about how they live. (Our upcoming book, “Joining Jesus as a Family: How to Raise Your Children to be Followers of Jesus” will help parents unpack this. Soon we will be able to announce when it will be available.)

In neighborhoods, workplaces and schools: implement the Connect Strategy in order to foster and multiply discipling relationships and unhurried conversations throughout the congregation and out into the community. Here’s a two-minute video where Susan and I briefly explain the Connect Strategy.

If you would like to unpack this more, email me at finkeonthemove@aol.com

Part 3: "Why Missional Living Fizzles" (and how to reverse it)

Why do so many congregations make a good start with missional living, only to see it soon fizzle? It is no longer a mystery.

There are four unforced errors most congregations are committing that are keeping them from seeing better results. What are they? (And what are simple remedies we can use to reverse the errors?)

1) We think studying what Jesus says is the same as doing what Jesus says. You can read more here.

2) We never seem to get around to building an actual friendship with someone who is living without Jesus’ grace and truth. You can read more here.

3) People are recruited away from the mission of God by their own congregational programming.

Turns out, the mission of God is not really the mission of our congregation. God’s mission is to ignite redemptive movements in every neighborhood. Last Sunday, what were our congregational announcements recruiting people to participate in?

I sit in congregations every weekend where the stated purpose of my being there is to help train and aim the congregation toward missional living. However, even then, when it’s time for announcements, what do most (if not all) of the announcements promote? The mission of God in the neighborhood? Or the programs, needs and opportunities within the congregation?

Jesus said, “Come, follow me, and I will make you to become fishers of men,” Matthew 4:19. Into what do most of our congregational efforts go?

Remedy: Provide a clear, simple plan for people to join Jesus on His mission in their neighborhoods and then use every congregational gathering to celebrate and facilitate such a lifestyle.

What is a clear, simple plan for joining Jesus on His mission? Have people engage two mission assignments.

Assignment #1

Seek the Kingdom: I will practice seeking, recognizing and responding to what Jesus is already doing in the lives of people around me.

Assignment #2

Love your neighbor: I will follow a simple plan for getting to know and spending unhurried time with at least one neighbor who is living without the grace and truth of Jesus.

Then use every congregational gathering - every meeting, study, rehearsal, etc. - to celebrate and facilitate participation in those two assignments. How? By prioritizing “Take-10 Conversations”.

What are “Take-10 Conversations”? “Take-10” means “take ten minutes” at the beginning of any gathering at church to break into groups of two or three and talk about how participating in the two mission assignments is going. You can also encourage people to have “Take-10 Conversations” at home around the dinner table.

Regular “Take-10 Conversations” help people receive the encouragement, insight, and accountability they need to prioritize joining Jesus on His mission in their daily lives.

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…,” Hebrews 10:24-25.

It’s simple and it works.

If you would like to unpack this more, email me at finkeonthemove@aol.com

[more next week]

Part 2: “Why Missional Living Fizzles” (and how to reverse it)

Why do so many congregations make a good start with missional living, only to see it soon fizzle? It is no longer a mystery.
Congregations are perfectly calibrated for the results they are currently getting in mission, discipleship and multiplication. And most congregations are not getting very good results - no matter what their mission statements may say or how much mission passion they may have.


There are four unforced errors most congregations are committing that are keeping them from seeing better results. What are they? (And what are simple remedies we can use to reverse the errors?) Last week we looked at the first and biggest reason.

1) We think studying what Jesus says is the same as doing what Jesus says. You can read the post here.

Unforced error #2 is just about as big.

2) We never seem to get around to building an actual friendship with someone who is living without Jesus’ grace and truth.

It sounds obvious when we say it out loud, but we cannot effectively join Jesus on His mission until we are investing in at least one friend who is living without His grace and truth.

Think about it. How many lost people would each of us need to invest in every year to double the size of our congregation’s redemptive impact annually?

The answer? One.

Not hundreds. Not dozens. Just one. One is not a crazy goal. Even people who don’t naturally like people can humble themselves and invest Jesus’ love in one person who needs it.

“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house…” Matthew 9:10. (also Luke 15)

Remedy: Identify your “ONE” and invest in friendship.

Make it a congregational priority that each person spends regular, unhurried time building a friendship with at least ONE neighbor, coworker or fellow student who is living without the grace and truth of Jesus. How? Share some food, share some laughs, share some stories. It works.

Then the next time you gather with fellow Jesus-followers (at home or at church), begin by taking ten minutes to ask, “Who’s your One? How’s it going?”

If you would like to unpack this more, email me at finkeonthemove@aol.com

[more next week]

Part 1: "Why Missional Living Fizzles" (and how to reverse it)

Last week, Susan and I had the great fun of joining 2600 people at the Best Practices for Ministry Conference in Phoenix. Over the next four weeks, I will share with you the four main points of our session: "Why Missional Living Fizzles” (and how to reverse it).

Why do so many congregations make a good start with missional living, only to see it soon fizzle? It is no longer a mystery.
Congregations are perfectly calibrated for the results they are currently getting in mission, discipleship and multiplication. And most congregations are not getting very good results - no matter what their mission statements may say or how much mission passion they may have.


There are four unforced errors most congregations are committing that are keeping them from seeing better results. What are they?

1) We think studying what Jesus says is the same as doing what Jesus says.

U.S. Christians have very little impact on the neighborhoods where they live because studying what Jesus says doesn’t benefit our neighbors. Jesus tells us to love our neighbors not so we will study His words, but so that our neighbors will experience His love. Remember, action verbs mean we take action.

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” Luke 6:46.

“The entire law is summed up in a single command, ‘Love your neighbor,’” Galatians 5:14.

Remedy: Pivot from studying to taking action.

When teaching the Bible, conclude by asking people to respond to the following question, “As a result of what I have studied today, what does Jesus want me to believe and what does He want me to do for the good of others?” Have them write down their responses and then look for opportunities to put Jesus’ words into action in daily life. The next time you gather, begin by taking ten minutes to have them share the stories of what happened and what was discovered.

If you would like to unpack this more, email me at finkeonthemove@aol.com

[more next week]

In These Final Days of Advent...

The following is an excerpt from chapter seven of our new book, “Joining Jesus as a Family.” In these final days of Advent, may it also remind you of how much your heavenly Father wants you to experience his love through his Son and how much he wants your children to experience his love through you.


For a very long time, it’s eluded us.

As parents we want our children not only to know their True Identity in their head (so they can pass a quiz) but be convinced of it in their heart (so they are living in its abundance). We want them to know the truth that they are beloved children of the heavenly King, but we also want them to be convinced of the truth that the heavenly King truly loves them.

But how?

How do we make that connection between their head and their heart? How do we turn knowledge of what is true into conviction of what is true? The answer is to help them experience the very thing they are being told to believe. 

Hearing the Truth + Experiencing the Truth = Being Convinced of the Truth

Where did we get that idea? Jesus.

“If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will set you free,” John 8:31-32 (MSG).

Throughout the gospels, as Jesus trains his followers to live in their True Identity, he works at connecting their knowledge of the Father’s love with experiencing the Father’s love in order to convince them that the Father indeed loves them. As Jesus’ followers become convinced of the Father’s love, it sets them free to live in its abundance without reservation or uncertainty and to freely offer it to others.

How does this apply in your family?

The truth is that, because you and your family are “in Christ,” you are beloved children of the heavenly King. There’s really no question about that.

But when you do question it (and we all do), God invites you to look to the cross. “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins,” (1 John 4:10). And Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,” (John 15:13).

The proof of God’s love is the cross of God’s Son. That should settle it, right? “This is most certainly true.”

However, there is the truth that God loves you and then there’s the experience of God loving you. As we’ve seen, human beings, in order to thrive, need both.

People experience God’s love through other people. The design is simple: love comes from God to us, then through us to the people around us (1 John 4:7-12). It is true that we receive love directly from God, but it is also true that we experience his love through other people. And human beings thrive when we have both. Jesus says it plainly, “As I have loved you, now love one another.”

Children experience God’s love through their parents. Husbands and wives experience God’s love through each other. Christians experience God’s love through one another in Christian community. Unbelieving neighbors experience God’s love through Christian neighbors.

So, when your child experiences God’s love through you, the experience becomes the evidence they need to believe that God indeed loves them too. In other words, their experience convinces them of what they have been told is true. Then, the more convinced your child becomes of God’s love, the more they are set free to live in its abundance without reservation or uncertainty and to freely offer it to others.

And your child thrives.

Obviously, a lot is at stake here. So, let’s take a little deeper dive.

As we saw in the last chapter, our True Identity as a beloved child of the heavenly King has been redeemed and restored by Jesus. It’s done. It’s settled. “This is most certainly true.”

However, as adults, we also live with the consequences of how well (or poorly) our parents discipled us to live in our True Identity. Do you feel convinced that you are the Father’s beloved or are you uncertain? Do you fully trust the Father’s love or do you struggle with it? Do you live with a joyful confidence or an anxious doubt?

Of course, we do not rely on our experiences (good or bad) to determine if something God says is true. What is true is determined by what God says, not by our experience. In fact, our faith, by the power of the Holy Spirit, clings to what God says is true especially when we aren’t experiencing it. However, it is also true that a child’s ability to experience and trust God’s love is directly connected to how well (or poorly) they experience love through their parents.

As one of my friends once said to me, “I believe God loves me, I just have a very hard time trusting that.” He was raised by parents who were unable to freely express their love to him. The parents were rule-keepers; harsh and disapproving much of the time. The love they did offer him, when it was offered, was conditional. He had to earn it. And then it was quickly withdrawn. He heard about God’s love every week in church. He believed the truth of it by faith. (Thank you, Holy Spirit!) However, because of the way he experienced love through his parents, he had a very difficult time trusting that God could love him abundantly and unconditionally.

If you, like my friend, struggle to trust that you are unconditionally loved by God, it may be because of how you experienced love through your parents. If it is easy for you to trust that you are unconditionally loved by God, likewise, it is probably because of how you experienced love through your parents. The truth that you are unconditionally loved by God is not affected one bit by how your parents loved you. However, your ability to understand and trust that truth is.

Having said that, for those of you who grew up in Christian homes where emotions were suspect or even unwelcomed, reconnecting truth with experience may feel… well, suspect. However, in sending his Son into the world, God himself shows the value he places on reconnecting his truth with our human experience.

For instance, John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory… who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Connecting the Father’s grace and truth with our human experience is one of the reasons Jesus came in the flesh. The Father wanted us, his children, who are flesh and blood, to experience his grace and truth – to see it, hear it and feel it.

So, he sent his Son to become flesh and blood and live among us:

·       Touching the leper

·       Teaching the crowds

·       Taking children into his arms to bless them

·       Eating with sinners

·       Healing eyes and ears and legs

·       Shedding his blood

·       Physically rising from the dead

In 1 John 1:1, John unabashedly points to the tangible experiences he had with Jesus as the reason he is convinced of the truth about Jesus. “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched – this we proclaim…”

Jesus came not only to tell the truth of the Father’s love, but to help us experience the Father’s love so that we become convinced that the Father really does love us (John 15:9). In other words, Jesus reconnected knowing our True Identity in our head with being convinced of it in our heart by helping us experience it in our daily life.

Why is this so important? Because when we become convinced that the Father really does love us, it sets us free to more fully live in the abundance of his love (John 14:21-23) and to join Jesus on his mission. 

Being Convinced of the Father’s Love = Being Set Free to Fully Live in Its Abundance

Merry Advent! 

Chapter One of Our Upcoming Book: "Joining Jesus as a Family"

It’s the season of gratitude and thanksgiving. And I am thankful for all you are doing with Jesus in your community. As an expression of “thanks,” here is a sneak peek at the first chapter of our upcoming book, “Joining Jesus as a Family.” God willing, it will be available in early 2022. Enjoy. And let me know what you think. (finkeonthemove@aol.com)

Chapter One: “How’s Jesus been Messing with You, Mom and Dad?”

I could see the terror on their faces.

I was somewhere in the upper Midwest having breakfast with a small group of younger dads. The night before, I had given a presentation at their church on my first two books:

  • “Joining Jesus on His Mission: How to be an Everyday Missionary” and

  • “Joining Jesus – Show Me How: How to Disciple Everyday Missionaries”

They were fired up by what they heard and wanted to talk more. So, they invited me to meet them at their favorite downtown breakfast spot ahead of my flight the next morning.

During breakfast, I mentioned that my wife and I were working on a new book.

“What’s it about?” they asked.

I finished chewing to give myself a moment to collect my thoughts, “It’s about taking what I unpack in the first two books and applying it to raising our families. My wife and I want to help parents intentionally disciple their kids to become lifelong followers of Jesus. We’re thinking of calling it, ‘Joining Jesus as a Family.’”

As a group, they stopped eating and looked up at me. I could tell Jesus had just started messing with them.

I smiled.

One of them clarified, “Did you say, ‘To help parents disciple their kids?’”


And then the table exploded.

Everyone was shooting questions at me all at once!

Some were bewildered, “How would I do that?”

Some were excited, “How can I get started?” 

And some were incredulous, “Why would I do that? Isn’t that why we take our kids to church?”

Still smiling, I looked around the table and said, “Here’s the deal, friends. Whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not, you’re already discipling your kids in what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. The kind of Jesus-follower you are now is deeply affecting the kind of Jesus-follower your kid will become.”

The table got very quiet. Their brains were spinning. It seemed like Jesus was really messing with them now. And it was good.

“You see, God designed your little child to watch you, imitate you and become a version of you. That’s how discipleship works. So, your lifestyle of faith, for better or worse, is already deeply molding and shaping your child for a lifetime… just like your parents’ lifestyle deeply molded and shaped you.

I let that settle in.

“You could sum it up this way: your lifestyle is your child’s discipleship curriculum.”

Blank stares. So, I explained.

“For example, if, to you, following Jesus is nothing more than a hobby to dabble in from time to time, then that is what you are discipling your children to imitate. If following Jesus means nothing more than following rules to please others or get approval, then that is what you are discipling your children to imitate. If following Jesus means nothing more than dutifully going to church every Sunday, then that is what you are discipling your children to imitate. BUT… if following Jesus means joining him on a daily adventure and living a fulfilling life for the good of others, then that is what you are discipling your children to imitate.”

Silence.  But I was starting to see sparks of understanding in their eyes. So, I pressed on.

“The question, then, for you parents is, ‘How are you living out your faith… and is that what you want your kids to grow up and imitate?’ Because, as the old saying goes, ‘What they see is what they’ll be.’”

More silence. But I decided they needed what was next so I leaned in to deliver it.

“Here’s the good news, my friends: you’ve got this. You truly do. God has set you up to succeed in discipling your own kids.

“Think about it: from the moment your child was first placed in your arms, you’ve been their hero. God literally wired your child to look up to you and their mom, absorb your examples and want to be just like you. That literally means God designed your child to want to be discipled by you – not to be lectured by you, or drilled by you – but to be shown by you how to live life well. They want you to do that. All you have to do is not screw it up! Don’t be a jerk. Don’t be self-absorbed. Don’t be demeaning. Don’t be a religious hypocrite. The bar is really quite low.” I laughed and they nervously chuckled along.

“Instead, as St. Paul reminds us in Galatians 5, all we really have to do is let our family experience the fruit of the Spirit through us: his love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and self-control. Friends, your families don’t need you to be perfect. What they need is for you to be intentional about letting them experience some of the best of who you are.

“That may not always be easy to do, but it is a simple goal. And as often as we fail our families in this – and we will – then we get to once again humble ourselves before them, fess up to our failure and ask them for forgiveness. And when you do that, believe it or not, the respect our family has for us will actually grow even deeper.”

I saw a lot of deep thinking going on.

“You don’t have to be a theological expert or a perfect rule-keeper in order to disciple your kids well. All they need is for you to be intentional about being the kind of Jesus-follower you want your kids to imitate. Because they will imitate you. In fact, they already are. Does that make sense?”

There were nods all around the table.

I asked, “Will your kids still fuss and complain and test you?” Everyone laughed, and I laughed with them. “Of course, they will!”

Then I looked each of them in the eye as I said, “But in the end, your lifestyle, values and character will be what most deeply and permanently imprints your kids because that’s how God designed it to work. For better or for worse, they are becoming a version of you. So why not intentionally choose to make it the better version of you?”

I could see by the look on their faces that understanding was emerging. And just in time. I had a flight to catch.


 What about you? As you listened to this conversation, what got your attention? How was Jesus messing with you? As a parent, grandparent or guardian, what light bulbs went on about discipling a child to be a follower of Jesus? What questions do you still have?

If you want to start being more intentional about being the kind of Jesus-follower you want your child to imitate, then come along with Susan and me as we unpack the parenting/discipling themes that were introduced in the conversation above.

This is going to be fun!

Here’s the Point

God designed your child to watch you, imitate you and become a version of you… for better or worse. That’s how discipleship works. So, the question for parents is, ‘How are you living out your faith… and is that what you want your kids to grow up and imitate?’ Because, as the old saying goes, ‘What they see is what they’ll be.’”

How Can We Help?

How can we help in 2023?

The Finke’s have three ways to help you and your congregation join Jesus on His mission:

#1 -  For Inspiration & Insight: Engage the Book “Joining Jesus” and Video Curriculum

50,000 people have read the book, gaining inspiration and insight for joining Jesus on His mission in their daily lives. Hundreds of congregations have used the book in sermon series and their small groups have used the video curriculum to further process their insights. The book is available in paperback, e-book and audio formats. It’s also translated into Spanish. Ask about quantity discounts.

What Are People Saying about the Book/Videos?

“Something has shifted over the last few months at our congregation as we engaged ‘Joining Jesus on His Mission.’ It’s still small, kind of like a mustard seed or a pinch of yeast in some flour. But something very good and very real is happening…”

“This book has changed my life! I love joining Jesus on His mission in my neighborhood. I used to think if I couldn’t ‘preach’ to my neighbors, there wasn’t anything else I could do. Now, I am meeting my neighbors and having conversations I NEVER thought I would have!”

#2 – For Training & Navigation: Engage “Joining Jesus” Training either Onsite, Online or On-demand

Inspiration and insight are first, but training and implementation are what enables people to actually join Jesus on His mission. Monthly follow-up coaching is included and helps your people navigate the implementation of their training in daily life.

The Finke’s offer mission and discipleship training in a way that works for your congregation:

Onsite Training – onsite weekends are being scheduled for 2023. Talk with the Finke’s about which onsite training track is right for your congregation.

Online Training – don’t let a small budget keep your congregation from being trained to join Jesus. If finances are tight, online training is an excellent option. The Finke’s can schedule a midweek training via Zoom with monthly follow-up coaching for a fraction of the onsite cost. Talk with them about which training track is right for you.

On-Demand Training Classes – is there one person, one family or one group of friends ready to get started? The Finke’s newly released on-demand option may be perfect for them. People can take the training classes at their convenience, at their own pace. And the on-demand class is only $59.

What Are People Saying about the Finke’s Training?

“I just had one of the attendees at Saturday's training (who's also new to our church) stop by to say how thrilled she was by it, and that it already changed the way she approached a family reunion yesterday. She said, ‘That training was a treasure.’”

”Because of the training, I have learned how to let Jesus speak into my conversations with my neighbors. He has brought us closer together and to Him!”

“One of our members left your training and said it was so simple, they were going to get started immediately. And they did! They had a neighborhood party last night with 27 people present. It went wonderfully!”

“I want to thank you for your excellent training process. My wife and I now walk and talk with neighbors as often as possible. This is quite a change for me as I used to not even stop the lawn mower for my neighbors! Now I love caring for each of them!”

#3 – For Strategic Next-Steps: Schedule a “Next-Step Leadership Retreat” with the Finke’s

If your congregation has gone through the “Joining Jesus” book and training, are the leaders ready to take their next-step in strategic planning? The Finke’s offer “Next-Step Retreats” at their historic home on Grand Hill in St. Paul, MN. These retreats are designed to help a leadership team get out of the noise of daily ministry and relax in a beautiful setting while the Finke’s facilitate their “seeing, planning and taking the next step” in the congregation’s missional discipleship journey. Questions? Contact Greg Finke to set up a conversation.

What Are People Saying about Next-Step Retreats?

“The three-day Next-Step Retreat was a tremendous gift to us. We don’t typically get a lot of time together to think through our ministry hurdles. This time of guided help in thinking through the core practice of discipleship and multiplication was transformative to our personal plans and ministry focus. We are walking out rested, challenged, well fed and with a clear and simple ministry plan to follow.”

“It was incredibly valuable to get away from the whirlwind of life and activities to have some focused time discerning the next steps for what God is calling us to. The experience and wisdom of Greg and Susan, the wonderful setting, the questions and process, and focused community all contributed toward providing the right environment to sharpen and clarify what needs to happen next in our ministry.”

So, how can we help?

"My #1 Recommendation Heading into 2021"

2020 was a year of disruption for local congregations like none I have experienced in my lifetime.

I won’t bore you with the laundry list. We’ve all been living it. And then came last Wednesday.

But what can we do about all the challenges we are facing?

My #1 recommendation heading into 2021? Double your investment in facilitating friendships among your people.

  • How do you re-connect your disconnected congregation members?

  • How do you reach the unreached people in the neighborhoods where your members live?

  • How do you help reconcile members estranged from each other because of politics?

  • How do you connect the people showing up on your Digital Campus for effective discipleship?

  • How do you provide care for all the hurting people looking to your congregation for hope?

  • How do you help people actually experience the “one another” passages of the New Testament and not just study them?

Getting to the solution-side of all these challenges begins with relationship. That’s why my #1 recommendation for 2021 is to double your investment in facilitating friendships… both within the congregation and then out into the neighborhoods. You can stay focused on one strategic goal but see many strategic benefits.

How can you facilitate friendships? 

It requires clarity, priority and intentionality. But it’s simpler than you think. For years, Dwelling 1:14 has been helping congregations implement what we call “The Connect Strategy” as part of our “Joining Jesus” training process. The goal is for the congregation to have a new priority on facilitating friendships for the sake of supporting each other in mission, ministry and discipleship.

When the pandemic hit, the congregations that were already engaging this strategy have seen their relational connectedness actually increase during the last ten months.

It can happen at your church, too.

Please give me a call or drop me an email so we can start the conversation.

Greg FInke



"Gratitude in Six Words"

Since 2006, Larry Smith, a magazine editor, has been challenging people to describe their lives in six words. He calls them “Six-Word Memoirs.” (Apparently this is a twist on a challenge issued to Ernest Hemmingway back in the day.) Here’s an example of six-word memoirs printed in the NY Times earlier this year: https://nyti.ms/3k8qSvi

So, during this Thanksgiving week, I invite you to try it. In a year of pandemic, cancelled plans, racial reckoning, ugly politics, economic uncertainty, social distancing and more… describe what makes you grateful… using just six words.

Once you craft your response, then share it over Thanksgiving dinner or on your Thanksgiving Zoom and invite the others to do the same.

Why just six words? Smith says, “The constraint of the six-word form helps us get to the essence of what matters most.” When I attempted this, I found it to be true.

What makes me grateful… using just six words? Here are a few examples:

  • God is trustworthy EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  • Susan is a perfect pandemic partner.

  • Blue skies, fun people, delicious food.

  • Joining Jesus in 2020: NOT BORING.

  • Susan, Amanda, Emilie, Ellen, Kevin, Tyler

  • Becoming a Grandpa in February 2021

Now it’s your turn. What are your six words of gratitude?

Finally, here is a segment I saw on CBS news last night that really put having an attitude of gratitude into perspective for our 2020 Thanksgiving: https://twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1329937023268950018?s=19


"Why Is Your Congregation Not Growing?"

If, like most congregations in the U.S., yours is not growing, why is that?

Simple. You’re not yet doing what Jesus actually told you to do. But he stands ready to help you change that. Most congregations have their focus on worship services, teaching doctrine and maintaining budgets. In the gospels, Jesus has his focus on his Father’s mission, discipleship and multiplication.

Do you see the problem here? There’s your way.  And then there’s his way. How is your way working out for you?

The good news is that Jesus’ invitation remains extended, “When you are ready, come, follow me. Let me disciple you in my ways.”

What does it mean to be discipled to be a follower of Jesus?

We don’t have to look far and we don’t have to make anything up because, in the gospels, Jesus himself shows us.

When Jesus said, “Come, follow me,” to his original followers, he was inviting them to begin a training process with him. In other words, discipleship = a training process with Jesus. 

And what was Jesus’ stated goal for his training process? “Come, follow me and I will make you to become fishers of men,” (Matthew 4:19). In other words, Jesus is saying, “Come with me and let me give you on-the-job-training so you gain experience, skill and confidence in joining me on my Father’s mission as a daily lifestyle.”

This “daily lifestyle” of following Jesus is what I unpack in my book, "Joining Jesus on His Mission" and sum up with the 5 Mission Practices:

  1. Seeking the Kingdom

  2. Hearing from Jesus in the Gospels

  3. Talking with People

  4. Doing Good

  5. Ministering through Prayer

In the gospels, we also see that Jesus’ training process includes three parts. I like to summarize the three parts this way – proclamation, imitation, replication:

  1. Proclamation = hearing Jesus’ teachings (Mark 1:14-15)

  2. Imitation = imitating Jesus’ lifestyle, i.e., imitating the way Jesus lived out his teachings for the good of others as he pursued his Father’s mission (John 13:15)

  3. Replication = training others to do the same (Matthew 28:19-20)

I unpack Jesus’ training process in my second book, "Joining Jesus - Show Me How".

It is important to note that Jesus’ training process isn’t accomplished with proclamation alone. Proclamation is clearly first. It is absolutely central to his training process. “How can they know unless they hear?” But it is not all.

To hearing his proclamation, Jesus adds imitation. “Come, follow me.” In order to be trained by Jesus, one needs to get up off his… pew and start imitating the way Jesus lives out his teachings for the good of others. 

Why would Jesus require that of his trainees?  Two reasons:

  1. So that the trainee gains experience, skill and confidence in living out the teachings of Jesus for the good of others. That’s why Jesus says, “Come, follow Me.” We need his information, but we also need the experience which only comes through putting his information into action.

  2. When we put God’s Word into action, we turn God’s Word into God’s Action in the lives of others. Our neighbors need to actually experience the redemptive good that comes from Jesus-followers putting his teaching into practice.  My neighbor is not benefitted by me learning the teachings of Jesus. I benefit from that, but my neighbor does not. The only way my neighbor benefits is if I put the teachings of Jesus I have learned into practice for his or her good.

And here’s the coolest part: Jesus wants this happening in every nation through every follower all over the world. Can you imagine what our world would be like if we actually did this? Wow!

How is such a missional lifestyle multiplied among Jesus-followers and out into the world?

In a word, the answer to that question is, “Intentionally.”

Intentionality was key to what Jesus was launching in Matthew 28:16-20. When the disciples came to the end of their training, Jesus sends them out to start intentionally training more people to intentionally participate in his Father’s mission. “Go, make disciples of all nations.” He is saying that they should intentionally use the experience, skill and confidence they had gained during their training with him to intentionally train more people who would then intentionally train more people who would then intentionally train more people until the nations are intentionally trained to intentionally participate in the Father’s redemptive mission. (Pretty cool, huh?)

Unfortunately, multiplying the lifestyle of intentionally participating in mission and discipleship doesn’t “just happen.” It doesn’t “just happen” because we gather around Word and Sacrament in worship services week after week. It doesn’t “just happen” because we talk about it, pray about it, sing about it and make strategic plans about it. The way such a lifestyle is prompted and multiplied throughout a congregation and out into the local community is by congregational leaders intentionally facilitating it through what is CONSISTENTLY BEING DONE throughout the congregation.

To put it another way, there is a simple reason most congregations are not seeing their people live missionally, disciple intentionally and multiply regularly.  It’s not what they do.

Think about it this way: your congregation is already perfectly calibrated for the results you are currently getting.  Whatever is being done intentionally and consistently by leaders is guaranteeing those same results over and over again.

So, what is the most consistent thing your congregation is intentionally doing week after month after year? What does your congregational leadership value and prioritize the most? What gets scrutinized the most? What do you want your people participating in the most? What gets the most energy and the most money? The mission of God? The training process of Jesus? The multiplication of the same?


Your church services. Not the mission of God nor the training process of Jesus.

Thus, the mission of God in the community around your congregation remains largely unaccomplished and your people remain woefully untrained to participate with Jesus on that mission.

Church services are important.  They are where Proclamation (the teaching of Jesus) is unleashed.  But they are not all. Jesus also says, “Come, follow me.”  And until we (congregation members and leaders) start to intentionally and consistently participate in the training process of Jesus, the way Jesus showed us how to do it, we cannot expect any different results than what we have been getting.

So, are you ready to get up off your… pew and get started?  Let Dwelling 1:14 help. We offer simple, practical training processes that reflect what Jesus already has shown us in the gospels. We work with congregations throughout the U.S. and around the world. We’d love to work with you, too.

Give me a call or send me an email and let’s start a conversation about how you and your congregation can start living missionally, discipling family and friends intentionally and multiplying regularly.

Let the adventures begin!