Videos for Book #2 | “Joining Jesus - Show Me How”
Here is your video curriculum for, “Show Me How!” Scroll down to view trailers, to view Session 1 in its entirety, to read a description of the training content, to purchase the curriculum or to see an outline of the curriculum.
60 Second Trailer | “Show Me How” Videos
90 Second Trailer | “Show Me How” Videos
Full Length of Session 1 | “Show Me How” Videos
Description of Training Content
“Joining Jesus – Show Me How” is a video training curriculum which builds on the foundation laid with the first video training, “Joining Jesus on His Mission.” It is an opportunity to take the next-step in our mission training with Jesus.
With “Joining Jesus on His Mission” we were trained to get off the bench and back into the mission fields of our neighborhoods, workplaces and schools. “Show Me How” now trains us to disciple our family and friends to do the same.
Consisting of 10 eight-minute videos, the curriculum leads participants through a process of discovery: 1) how does Jesus disciple His followers in the gospels, and 2) how can we use those insights to craft a plan for discipling our family and friends.
Part One of the video training curriculum is made up of sessions 1-5 and will help us clarify and simplify how Jesus disciples His followers in the gospels. Part Two is made up of sessions 6-10 and will help us then craft our own discipling plan using Jesus’ discipling plan as our model.
A free download of processing materials is provided for the curriculum. The processing materials come as a Word document for easy customizing of the materials to fit your group’s needs. Download the materials below for free.
By purchasing the video curriculum you are given permission to make as many copies of the videos as you need for use within your congregation. However, by purchasing the video curriculum you also agree to ONLY use the videos within your congregation. Help protect Dwelling 1:14 by safeguarding the distribution of the videos.
Purchase “Show Me How” Video Curriculum
The videos come as a digital download to allow easy distribution of the content to as many groups as possible within the congregation. Upon purchase, you will receive a secure email from Dwelling 1:14 with the link.
Purchase video curriculum
Download free processing materials
Outline of Curriculum
Part 1: Regaining Clarity and Simplicity for How Jesus Disciples His Followers in the Gospels
Session 1: What is “Discipling” According to Jesus (Chapters 1-2)
Why does the Invitation to Disciple People Scare Us?
What is “Discipling” According to Jesus?
Session 2: What is the Mission of God according to God? (Chapters 3-5)
What is the Mission of God?
My Small Part in God’s Great Big Mission
Are We Under-Discipled for the Mission of God?
Session 3: How does Discipling Work? (Chapters 6-8)
The Rub Resolved: How Jesus Changes Us through Discipling
What Is My Discipling Plan?
What Qualifies Me to Disciple Others?
Session 4: What is a Disciple According to Jesus? And What Does a Disciple Do? (Chapters 9-10)
What Is a Disciple According to Jesus?
What Does a Disciple Do According to Jesus?
Session 5: What is Jesus’ Discipling Process? (Chapters 11-13)
What is Jesus’ Discipling Process?
Where is Jesus’ Discipling Classroom?
What is Jesus’ Discipling Curriculum?
Part 2: Crafting Your Discipling Plan
Session 6: How Do I Start? (Chapter 14)
How Do I Start?
Session 7: My 5 Discipling Practices (Chapter 15)
5 Discipling Practices – Making the Most of Our Discipling Time
Session 8: My Plan for Discipling Others (Chapter 16)
My Plan for Discipling Others
Session 9: A Sample Agenda for My Missional Community (p.172)
A Sample Agenda for Our Missional Community
Session 10: Wisdom for Disciple-Makers & Bonus Section for Congregations (Chapter 17)
Personal Practices for the Wise Disciple-Maker
Bonus Section - Organizing the Congregation for Discipleship