Videos for Book #1 | “Joining Jesus on His Mission”
35 Second Trailer
The “Joining Jesus on His Mission” video curriculum takes participants on a journey of insight and discovery for joining Jesus in the places they already live, work and play. Consisting of 10 eight-minute video segments, the curriculum enables participants to get off the bench and back into the mission field of their everyday lives!
You can view Session 1 in its entirety by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
Each of these expertly produced video segments concludes with the opportunity for participants to process their insights and self-identify an assignment for the next week. The goal is to help each participant put their insight into action at their own pace.
A free download of processing materials is provided for the curriculum. The processing materials come as a Word document for easy customizing of the materials to fit your group’s needs. Also included are a "Joining Jesus" graphic, sermon series ideas, and various applications for kids and youth. Download the materials below for free.
By purchasing the video curriculum you are given permission to make as many copies of the videos as you need for use within your congregation. However, by purchasing the video curriculum you also agree to ONLY use the videos within your congregation. Help protect Dwelling 1:14 by safeguarding the distribution of the videos.
Purchase "Joining Jesus" Video Curriculum
The videos come as a digital download to allow easy distribution of the content to as many groups as possible within the congregation. Upon purchase, you will receive a secure email from Dwelling 1:14 with the link.