Option #2: Ready to Go!
If you and your leaders are ready to move from mission statement to mission lifestyle, Dwelling 1:14 can help. You are ready for the “Missional Lifestyle Training Process.”
The Missional Lifestyle Training Process (MLTP)
The Missional Lifestyle Training Process is an 18-month process that takes your congregation from mission-inexperience to mission-lifestyle. The MLTP has two important goals: to train people who are willing and ready to join Jesus on His mission as part of their everyday lives; and to disciple more and more people to do the same. The MLTP is a simple, sustainable way to disciple and multiply everyday missionaries throughout your congregation and community.
The MLTP takes a congregation through 3 phases: Preparation, Discovery and Launch.
Phase 1: Preparation
To get started, Dwelling 1:14 guides your leaders through a Preparation Phase. We coach them to use best-practices in order to prepare the congregation for the upcoming on-sight training. The goal is to leverage the months you have before the on-sight training to help leaders and congregation members gain as much clarity as possible for what it will mean to join Jesus on His mission in their daily lives.
Pastors and leaders will understand what we will be doing, why we will be doing it, and how it will be achieved.
Pastors and leaders will gain a clear and simple understanding of the MLTP and their leadership roles in it.
Phase 2: Discovery
Now that your leaders and congregation are prepared, we enter the six-month Discovery Phase. The Discovery Phase is about giving your leaders and members the opportunity to gain experience in how to join Jesus on His mission in the reality of their everyday lives. In addition, congregational leaders will gain key experience in using the congregation's gatherings and communication channels to support members as they join Jesus.
You will enter the Discovery Phase via the Discovery Training Weekend led by Greg Finke
The goal of the training weekend is that pastors, leaders and members leave with a self-identified plan to intentionally and effectively join Jesus on His mission and support each other along the way. (Note: from this first wave of everyday missionaries will emerge your first wave of Missional Community leaders for the Launch Phase - see below.)
On Friday evening, an informal meet-and-greet can be planned so that key leaders and Greg Finke have an opportunity to meet in person and talk about the upcoming Discovery Phase.
Discovery Training is held on Saturday, usually from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Greg Finke stays to preach at all services and lead Bible class so that the rest of the congregation is introduced to their opportunity to join Jesus.
After the Discovery Weekend, implementation of the training is supported through monthly Navigation Zoom Calls. The Navigation Zoom Calls are critical for the ongoing success of the training. They increase transference of training by 50%. They are held over a lunch hour so that your leaders can easily participate no matter where they may be.
Phase 3: Launch
With your congregation gaining experience, we enter the six-month Launch Phase. The goal of the Launch Phase is to begin leveraging the missional experience gained by members so that they start helping more and more people join Jesus on His mission, too. This is achieved through people participating in various expressions of Missional Community. During this phase, your congregation will see ongoing missional expansion both in the congregation and throughout the community.
You will enter the Launch Phase via the Launch Training Weekend led by Greg Finke
The goal of the training weekend is to position members to become more intentional and consistent in discipling their families, friends and fellow members to join Jesus as a daily lifestyle. This is accomplished by clarifying and simplifying what discipling is and how members can disciple each other to join Jesus. Leaders will also be introduced to a simple, sustainable plan for connecting the congregation in ongoing relationships which focus on mission and discipleship.
The Launch Training Weekend can follow a similar schedule as the Discovery Weekend. On Friday evening, an informal meet-and-greet can be planned so that key leaders and Greg Finke have an opportunity to reunite and share stories from the Discovery Phase, as well as talk about the upcoming Launch Phase.
Launch Training is held on Saturday, usually from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Greg Finke stays to preach at all services and lead Bible classes so that the rest of the congregation is introduced to the basics of the Launch Training.
After the Launch Weekend, implementation of the training is again supported through monthly Navigation Zoom Calls.
What will be the results for those participating in this process?
They will be enabled to develop a deeper, personal relationship with and reliance on Jesus.
They will know how to perceive the Kingdom of God around them and join Jesus on His mission.
They will gain confidence in joining Jesus every day. (This is for introverts or extroverts.)
They will see their neighborhoods, workplaces and schools with new eyes.
They will be enabled to live missionally, to connect with other like-minded Jesus-followers, and to establish and multiply missional communities in a variety of ways.
Their communities will never be the same again as they join Jesus on His mission.
This process has a simple promise behind it:
Dwelling 1:14 will strive to take each participant from uncertainty to understanding, from anxiety to excitement. They will have clear, biblical information and inspiration. They will have a simple, personal plan for next steps in living their lives with Jesus in the world and connecting with other Jesus-followers for support and fun as they fulfill Jesus’ mission. During the training, participants will have the opportunity to interact with and articulate what the information they are learning means for their daily experiences.
Affordability and Value
The cost for the MLTP can be divided between two budget years, making it very affordable. If another congregation in recruited to join you, the entire cost is divided.
Want more information?
Contact Greg at 281.844.7644 or finkeonthemove@aol.com