Option #1: Exploration

Dwelling 1:14 starts with where you're at. We come alongside you and your leaders to determine the congregation's level of readiness for engaging the Father's redemptive mission with Jesus. Dwelling 1:14 then has a variety of training options and tools we can customize to help your congregation take their next steps.

Are you and your congregational leaders just starting to explore what it might mean to become a more missional church?  If you are asking, “How can we become more intentional about joining Jesus on His mission in the community around us?” Dwelling 1:14 can help.

Option #2: Ready To Go

Perhaps your congregation has already been introduced to missional living through sermons, service projects and mission trips. They have had several opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the community. They are "getting it" and are ready to move from mission as a program to mission as a lifestyle. Dwelling 1:14 can help.