Six Words

"Gratitude in Six Words"

Since 2006, Larry Smith, a magazine editor, has been challenging people to describe their lives in six words. He calls them “Six-Word Memoirs.” (Apparently this is a twist on a challenge issued to Ernest Hemmingway back in the day.) Here’s an example of six-word memoirs printed in the NY Times earlier this year:

So, during this Thanksgiving week, I invite you to try it. In a year of pandemic, cancelled plans, racial reckoning, ugly politics, economic uncertainty, social distancing and more… describe what makes you grateful… using just six words.

Once you craft your response, then share it over Thanksgiving dinner or on your Thanksgiving Zoom and invite the others to do the same.

Why just six words? Smith says, “The constraint of the six-word form helps us get to the essence of what matters most.” When I attempted this, I found it to be true.

What makes me grateful… using just six words? Here are a few examples:

  • God is trustworthy EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  • Susan is a perfect pandemic partner.

  • Blue skies, fun people, delicious food.

  • Joining Jesus in 2020: NOT BORING.

  • Susan, Amanda, Emilie, Ellen, Kevin, Tyler

  • Becoming a Grandpa in February 2021

Now it’s your turn. What are your six words of gratitude?

Finally, here is a segment I saw on CBS news last night that really put having an attitude of gratitude into perspective for our 2020 Thanksgiving:
