A Prayer for Joining Jesus Each Morning
There are many prayers to be prayed each morning. But here is a new one I really like. I learned about it from my new friend in central Texas, Ric Landvatter. Ric is slowly dying of cancer but actively living with Jesus. His eye is not only on eternity but on the moments and people before him. This is Ric’s prayer… and now it is mine:
Lord, I don’t know what You want me to do today, but You are with me, so let’s go do it.
Lord, I probably don’t know how to do what You want me to do today, but You are with me, so let’s go do it.
Lord, I probably don’t want to do what You want me to do today, but You are with me, so let’s go do it.
When we finish what You want me to do today, it won’t be because of me but because You were with me.
Let’s go do it. Amen!