Help Us Help the Next Church

Your donation helps us help the next church join Jesus on His mission too.

Dwelling 1:14 is a nonprofit ministry and operates with a 50/50 budget. 50% comes from fees paid to Dwelling 1:14 for its services. 50% comes from donors like you.

If your church is receiving training from Dwelling 1:14, you are already benefiting from a previous donor’s generosity. Likewise, the donation you make enables Dwelling 1:14 to go to the next church and help them join Jesus on His mission too.

Donations are tax deductible and can be given via check or credit card. One-time gifts make a huge difference. Recurring gifts multiply your impact.

Please make checks payable to Dwelling 1:14 and mail to 489 Grand Hill, St. Paul, MN 55102. Donations via credit card can be made by filling out the secure form below.

Each dollar given helps the next church get started. Thank you!